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Shanghai Private Economy Development Forum (Fengxian) held
Release time:2023-03-30 09:19:14      The number of clicks:72

In order to implement the spirit of the Party's twenty major and the General Secretary's speech spirit, on March 29, the District Federation of Industry and Commerce and the district Financial Office jointly held the Shanghai Private Economy Development Forum (Fengxian) and the opening ceremony of "Xian Business Center" with the theme of "Promoting the spirit of virtuous Business, Deepening the 'Government meeting, Bank and Enterprise' and promoting the high-quality development of private economy".


Luo Yimin, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Jiangsu Province and former Minister of the United Front Work Department of Jiangsu Province; Wang Xiaohan, Deputy Minister of United Front Work Department of Shanghai Municipal Committee and Secretary of Party Group of Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce; Yuan Quan, deputy secretary of Fengxian District Committee and district governor; Wang Jianming, Party member and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce; Zhou Longhua, member of Standing Committee of Fengxian District Committee and Minister of United Front Work Department; Fengxian District Committee Standing Committee, executive Vice governor Gu Yaoming; Shan Xiaoming, deputy secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Nantong CPPCC attended the event. Officials from United Front Work Department of CPC Municipal Committee, Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, Nantong Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhang Jian Entrepreneur College, Development Research Center of China Welfare Society, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Friendship Chamber of Commerce of Yangtze River Delta, District Finance Bureau, Bank in Fengcheng, Greenland Group, Chamber of Commerce affiliated to District Federation of Industry and Commerce and other relevant officials attended the meeting.

Secretary Wang Xiaohan and Governor Yuan Quan made important speeches


Wang Xiaohan pointed out that the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the association of Commerce and private enterprises should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech and the deployment requirements of the municipal committee, give full play to their roles, and make positive contributions to the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy. We should deepen cooperation between banks and enterprises and enhance mutual trust between them. The spirit of good business should be promoted, and private entrepreneurs should make their due contributions to promoting employment, ensuring people's livelihood, public welfare and charity, and achieving common prosperity. Strive to be a model of patriotism and dedication, law-abiding management, entrepreneurship and innovation, and return to society.


Yuan Quan said that in recent years, the scale of the private economy has grown further, its role in stimulating employment has been further played, the innovation capacity of enterprises has been further enhanced, and their social responsibility has been further demonstrated. Going forward, we should continue to optimize the business environment, adhere to the concept that private entrepreneurs are "members of our own", create a better environment for government services, the rule of law and innovation, focus on the development of the real economy, and promote the innovation and transformation of private enterprises. We will drive high-quality local economic development through five innovations: basic theory, underlying technology, disruptive projects, cross-border integration, and transformation. We should strive to foster friendly and clean relations between government and business, vigorously promote entrepreneurship in the new era, encourage private enterprises to shoulder social responsibilities, and make greater contribution to realizing Chinese-style modernization and national rejuvenation.



The opening ceremony of "Xian Business Center" was held in the conference. Vice Chairman Wang Jianming and Executive Vice Governor Gu Yaoming took the stage to unveil the plaque. Fengxian District Federation of Industry and Commerce, Jiangsu Province Zhang Jian Research Society and Fengxian City Company of Greenland Group signed a contract to jointly build the "Xian Business Center".


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Shanghai Development Bank, Bank of Shanghai, Rural Commercial Bank, Postal Savings Bank, China Merchants Bank 10 banks jointly to Fengxian District Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) for the "financial spring breeze warming ten thousand enterprises" concentrated credit.


Chen Zhizuo, Vice chairman of the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, president of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce and chairman of Shanghai Yongjin Cable (Group) Co., Ltd. exchanged a speech

Chen Zhi said that Shanghai Yongjin Cable Group benefited from the good business environment in Fengxian. Since its establishment, it has developed into a leading enterprise in the subdivision field of photovoltaic, energy storage and fire-retardant cables in China. It is a new TOP100 core technology enterprise in Shanghai, and an enterprise with outstanding tax contribution in Jinhui Town in 2022. Its patent and innovation capabilities are among the best in the same industry in China. The holding of this forum is a practice and measure to create the best business environment and promote the high-quality development of private enterprises. With the continuous deepening of the cooperation mechanism of "government meeting, bank and enterprise", Fengxian will surely provide more powerful financial guarantee and energy support for the future development of private enterprises in Fengxian, and Fengxian will become the cradle of growth and entrepreneurship base of our private enterprises. Premier Li Qiang talked about the "four thousand spirits" when answering reporters' questions, is the portrayal of the spirit of Wen Shang in the early stage of China's reform and opening up to fight, dare to venture, dare to try, hard business. Now there are more than 20,000 market entities founded by registered persons of Wen nationality, which drive a large number of people in our district to employment and create more than one billion yuan of tax revenue. In the new era, we should carry forward the "spirit of good business", and more importantly, rekindle the "four thousand spirit". As long as the spirit is not lost, the development of the private economy will be unstoppable. On the road ahead, we should not forget our original aspiration and keep our passion. More importantly, we should keep pace with The Times and continue to sublimate, actively fulfill our social responsibilities, listen to the Party, feel the Party's kindness, follow the Party, resonate with the District Committee and government, and provide a strong guarantee for striving to embark on a new journey of high-quality development of "Fengxian beauty, Fengxian strong".

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